Power, Chaos or Consensus? 3rd Edition, How to Fix our Global Melt-Down
The Consocratic Plan (The last two chapters of Power, Chaos or Consensus?)
The Old Man in the Bag, and Other True Stories of Good Intentions

Power, Chaos or Consensus? 3rd Edition
How to Fix our Global Melt-Down
The book “Power, Chaos or Consensus? 3rd Edition” begins by describing the strengths and weaknesses of the various methods we now use to make public decisions, including war, the market place and democratic majority-vote decision-making, and then discusses more than fifty wide-ranging, intricately entwined global problems that cannot be resolved by winning wars or turning possible democratic solutions into black and white options which force people to choose only one of them.
After discussing how a form of “Structured Consensus Decision-Making” could be used to help get us out of the very complex, self-destructive mess we’re now in, it concludes by detailing a comprehensive, practical “Consocratic Plan” that would allow any decision making body of any size to slowly, peacefully introduce consensus decision-making to peacefully turn the planet’s current chaos around, one decision at a time.
To download a free .pdf copy of “Power, Chaos or Consensus” click here
To purchase a Kindle (US $2.95), paperback (US $17.95) or hard cover (US $21.95) version of “Power, Chaos or Consensus?” on Amazon.com. click here
This book is also available at other online book shops, like Book Depository

The Consocratic Plan
(The last two chapters of Power, Chaos or Consensus?)
The book “The Consocratic Plan” contains just the last two chapters of Power, Chaos or Consensus for those who already know or don’t care about how this plan was developed. The first chapter describes a suggested method of implementing the Consocratic Plan. The second chapter is the Consocratic Plan itself, along with the detailed list of definitions and the partial bibliography also included in the original “Power, Chaos or Consensus book. To download a free .pdf copy of “The Consocratic Plan”. click here
To purchase a Kindle (US $1.95) or paperback (US $7.95) version of The Consocratic Plan on Amazon.com, click here.

The Old Man in the Bag
and Other True Stories of Good Intentions
Ted’s original book, “The Old Man in the Bag and Other True Stories of Good Intentions,” is a memoir written as a series of short stories tied together with 80 old B&W photographs and facsimile of 12 original letters. These stories are about a number of minor, but life changing, incidents that took place during the three years Ted and his wife, Helen, lived in a grass hut in a very remote part of Ethiopia 50 years ago while he was “avoiding” the Vietnam War.
Back then, Haile Selassie was still alive and in power, but he was an old manblind to the corruption around him. Although still revered by many, some were beginning to question his absolute authority. It was the beginning of student strikes, beatings and disappearances.
This book is, on one level, about how Ted and his wife helped a few dozen very poor local farmers establish a very remote new town in the dense uninhabited lowland jungle of the Rift Valley on land recently given to them by the sometimes loved, sometimes loathed Emperor. It is also about their own struggle as a newly married couple to survive fire, disease, drought and death in a very isolated, unfamiliar but intriguing environment.

However, the series of short stories are mostly about the misconception that real life decisions must be made in black and white, like democratic decisions are forced to be. Even decisions made with selfless good intentions can sometimes generate the opposite of love and admiration from those being “helped”. The experiences were what inspired Ted to write “Power, Chaos or Consensus?”
To download a free .pdf copy of The Old Man in The Bag, click here. To purchase a Kindle (US $4.95) or paperback (US $12.95) printed version of The Old Man in The Bag on Amazon.com please click here.